February 17, 2022 Jewish Lobby Day Success!
Rabbi Spector of Congregation Kol Ami, NCJW Utah President Annabel Sheinberg and Matthew Weinstein, co-chair, Congregation Kol Ami Social Action/Social Justice Committee, hosted a virtual Jewish Lobby Day on February 17th.
Approximately 41 people from various Jewish community groups participated in the virtual Jewish Lobby Day. Governor Cox, Senate President Stuart Adams, Representative Doug Owens and former State Representative Patrice Arent were among the guests that joined the event and provided valuable information on the issues that we highlighted. Those included bills were directed at homelessness, education and voting issues. Huge thanks to Rep. Owens who successfully passed a House Joint Resolution condemning anti-semitism.
Prior to this event, we held a joint Lobby Training on January 20th. Many thanks to NCJW member Pam Silberman for helping with the presentation. We learned about the Legislative session, how to use the legislative website and how bills are passed. Former State Representative David Litvack gave us great information about how to communicate effectively with our Representatives and Senators.