Utah State Capital
This amazing video is almost 60 minutes long. Well worth your time. It’s time to reclaim the narrative around religion and access to abortion.
Until every person has the power to make their own informed decisions about their body, sexuality, and future, our work is not over. Check out our Reproductive Heath, Rights, and Justice Action Resources on NCJW National’s website.

Events at Utah State Capital
The central call to action for National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) is, “Justice, Justice Shall You Pursue” (Deuteronomy 16:18).
NCJW is committed to creating a world where all people, regardless of race, class, gender, sexuality, ability, or immigration status, have the right to build their families and live their lives with dignity.
Our section, NCJW Utah is part of a grassroots network of sections using our Jewish values to create change in our local andr regional communities. Every NCJW section is a unique organization, intertwined with both national NCJW values and specialized goals to empower change.
We participate annually in:
- The Lobbying Clinic at the Utah State Capitol
- The NCJW Day on Capitol Hill