1-2022 - NCJW Utah co hosted a Lobby training
On January 20th NCJW Utah co hosted a Lobby training for the upcoming Legislative Session. Annabel Sheinberg and Matthew Weinstein led a discussion about how the Legislative process works. This included how to find your Representative, how to use bill trackers and use the legislative calendar to follow bills and sign up to testify about issues.
When testifying you need to register and then have two minutes. Start with a direct ask such as “I am here in support of Bill #___” and repeat the ask again at the end of your time, “I am asking that you vote yes/no on Bill #____. ” David Litvak, a former legislator, spoke about how to be a better communicator when addressing issues with your Representative. His advice was to be direct about what you are asking for, try to find an advocate in the staff or Representative and know who your audience is. For newbies to the process, or seasoned participants, there was good information to put to use for the next 45 days. See you on the Hill.